Mail art project with Gida Labus
The observation of everyday life and self-perception can fluctuate between two individuals via mailing through the post office. In this art project we collect our everyday perceptions and mail them to each other. This traditional way of mail art what we expand, resembles to a kind of dance, a covariance of thoughts. By sharing fragments of our inner monologues in the form of sketches and texts, our own way of thinking becomes more diverse. The first gesture is to open the received package, when we invite each other to our inner thoughts, transpose to the other’s mind for a minute. While creating drawings, objects, writing short texts, we do not communicate in a conventional way: the process of composing and abstraction makes it impossible to hurt the boundaries of the other person, both of our systems of thoughts remain coherent. Contrary to emailing post office gives an opportunity for the whole process to be created in physical and tactile space. It has a perceptible rhythm: there are weeks when we find something in the post box every single day, then a break that lasts for some days or we receive three envelopes at the same time. Getting closer and further keeps the energy and gives natural dynamics to the process. Between the threads irrespective parallel narratives appear, referring to observations noted two or three months earlier. Thanks to this non-linear form friction points and sudden changes in direction may take place at any (given) point during the dialogue. Hand writing – what is changing all the time – is present in all of the letters (at least in the address). It always tells us something about the sender’s state of mind. The gesture has a physical and an intellectual aspect and these are inseparably linked to each other.
exhibition view at Óbudai Társaskör Gallery, 2017
We created a photobook containing almost all of the notes and objects we sent each other.
A textbook belongs to it, so that viewers can read all the handwritten notes.
The most solemn truths are being tapped on the shoulder;
The heavens, it has turned out, are empty. And there is a gale of laughter over that.
the vast, dreaded ocean is just a little pond.
A trace of strangeness in this sense easily enters even the most intimate relationships.
For where belief has prevailed for a thousand years, doubt now prevails.
An estrangement whether as cause or as consequence it is difficult to decide usually comes at the moment when this feeling of uniqueness vanishes from the relationship. A certain skepticism in regard to its value,
But now we have plucked up courage
It has always been said that the stars arc affixed to a crystal sphere to prevent them falling down. But now we have plucked up courage and we let them soar through space, unfettered and in full career, like our ships, unfettered and in full career.
to the very thought that in their relation, after all, they carry out only a generally human destiny; that they experience an experience that has occurred a thousand times before; that, had they not accidentally met their particular partner, they would have found the same significance in another person.
Walls and globes and immobility!
not absent in any relation, however close, because what is common to two is never common to them alone, but is subsumed under a general idea
Overnight the universe has lost its centre, and by morning it has countless ones. So that now each - and none - is regarded as its centre. For suddenly there is plenty of room.
No matter how little these possibilities become real and how often we forget them, here and there, nevertheless, they thrust themselves between us like shadows
And the earth rolls happily round the sun, and the fishwives, merchants, princes and cardinals and even the Pope roll with it.
gives the relation, which alone was realized, no inner and exclusive necessity.
And a great desire has arisen to fathom the causes of all things: why a stone falls when you drop it, and how it rises when you throw it in the air.
from the centre
to the desert
About that time, altogether for no definite reason, I took it into my head to cripple my life, but only in a disgusting a way as possible. (Dostoevsky)
(what was before - boredom)
and from here to an even greater desert
(black sand)
(killing as an everyday act)
it’s not me
evening rise, spirit come
belief is gravitation:
‘though we fall as stone
straight down and undoubtedly’
at best I subside
booklet with Newton’s theory on gravity:
for a stone projected is by the pressure of its own weight forced out of the rectilinear path, which by the projection alone it should have pursued, and made to describe a curve line in the air; and through that crooked way is at last brought down to the ground;
and the greater the velocity is with which it is projected,
the farther it goes
We may therefore suppose the velocity to be so increased, that it would describe an arc of 1, 2, 5, 10, 100. 1000 miles before it arrived at the earth, till at last, exceeding the limits of the earth, it should pass quite by without touching it.
and return to the mountain from which it was projected.
Integrity! For everyone!
I like it when there’s a hole in the middle of a picture: it takes in all the details just as a the eyes make a whole of the details of a face
Would you like to get rid of fear?
professional whimpering; self-losing, reflection; anxiety; vertigo; a complete life with love; real pain
water sent from Berlin to Budapest, wrapped in a T-shirt
‘the simplest desire’
‘I tend to imagine having another life’
the comfort zone
the comfortable warmth
the comfortable colds
you, get out of here!
comfortable freezing
no grazing
hey you, get out of here!